Sunday, March 6, 2011

AP test unit.

Eyetop goggles and power supply/receiver base

900Mhz transmitter and receiver, I used a couple lipos for power. The receiver feeds right into the power supply/receiver base for the goggles.

HiTec Hs-81 to activate the camera switch.

HiTec HS-425BB and Pan assembly - Used to pan the camera (I used the slider on the 9303)

I used a Canon Power shot S5IS with a Wide conversion lens to get the shot.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Trying the heli in two man mode.

I am flying it and my 12 year old son is taking the picture and it's 32 degrees. You can see him in the truck.

More homes as I test the new heli.

Just some test shots.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cory Barton Homes

This a construction area for Cory Barton Homes. I fly my 700's here a lot. These pictures were take from the park on 11/24/2009. The picture below it the park.

If you can see the person standing in the park (between the small tree and building), that happens to be me. The white truck in the parking lot is mine.

The things you can do for lunch.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Showing the neighborhood

This is a great shot of the local neighborhood taken for a realestate company.

This is a picture taken for a local construction company to get a good look of the the site itself.